Elite Oral Surgery Associates Blog

What Is a Sinus Lift and Why Do I Need One Before Dental Implant Placement?

February 2, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — eliteoralsurgery @ 12:32 am
a patient chatting with their oral surgeon

Dental implants are the name of the game when it comes to replacing missing teeth! These restorations are capable of restoring lost pearly whites from root to crown thanks to the unique, biocompatible posts that are placed directly into the jawbone. That said, in some cases, a patient might need to undergo what’s known as a sinus lift before they can be considered a good candidate for dental implant surgery. Continue reading to learn a little more about this process, why it’s sometimes needed, and what you can do to ensure your implants last for a lifetime!


4 Tips to Help You Sleep Soundly Following Wisdom Tooth Extraction

January 2, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — eliteoralsurgery @ 7:18 pm
a patient resting at home following wisdom tooth extraction

If you’re about to have your wisdom teeth removed, you may have a few things on your mind concerning your aftercare – but have you made sure to understand how to sleep following your procedure? Though wisdom tooth extraction is a routine procedure, you’ll still want to follow all of your dentist’s instructions closely concerning aftercare, and you should come up with a plan for getting proper rest and recuperation so that you can return to action! Here are a few tips to help you out.


Troubled Teeth: Do I Have an Impacted Wisdom Tooth?

December 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — eliteoralsurgery @ 6:38 pm
a 3D illustration of an impacted wisdom tooth

During our late teenage years, our wisdom teeth begin to emerge. However, these teeth rarely arrive without causing issues, and often, patients experience what’s known as impacted wisdom teeth. Continue reading to learn more about this issue and a few of the signs you should look for, so that you know when to quickly call your dentist for assistance!


What Can I Expect While Recovering from My Dental Bone Graft?

December 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — eliteoralsurgery @ 10:27 pm
a senior patient talking with his oral surgeon

Dental implants are often considered the “gold standard” when it comes to replacing missing teeth. This is because they restore the entire structure of the lost tooth, from its roots to its chewing surface – which is something that traditional restoration options cannot do. That said, not every patient with missing teeth is immediately eligible for dental implants; those with insufficient jawbone dentistry must undergo a preliminary procedure known as a dental bone graft beforehand. Here’s a closer look at this process and what the recovery portion entails, to give you a better idea of what to expect!


Why Are Bone Grafts Sometimes Needed Prior to Dental Implants?

November 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — eliteoralsurgery @ 8:45 pm
a patient speaking with an oral surgeon

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants stand out as an incredible solution that offers numerous quality-of-life benefits. However, there are some patients out there with missing teeth who aren’t immediately eligible for dental implants due to insufficient jawbone density, which is a common occurrence following tooth loss over extended periods. Luckily, this issue can often be remedied with the help of a supplemental bone graft. To learn more about dental implants and why some patients might need a bone graft before receiving these life-changing restorations, continue reading!


3 Potential Problems That Might Arise Due to Impacted Wisdom Teeth

October 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — eliteoralsurgery @ 4:07 pm
a patient visiting their dentist for dental pain

Wisdom teeth refer to the third set of molars that tend to make their grand entrance between the ages of 16 and 21. Since most patients already have their full set of adult teeth by this time, they often don’t have enough space in their mouths for these third molars, causing them to become impacted. Though this issue is common and happens to about nine of every ten patients, it’s not something that should be left unaddressed since it can lead to various issues. Here’s a closer look at just a few of these potential problems and why it normally makes sense to extract wisdom teeth preemptively.


How Soon Can I Get Dental Implants Following Tooth Extraction?

October 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — eliteoralsurgery @ 4:17 pm
a model of a mouth with dental implants

If you’re facing a tooth extraction, you might be wondering about what your options are for replacing the tooth in question. If you’ve heard of dental implants, you’ve maybe also heard that they’re one of the best means for replacing missing teeth – but how soon following a tooth extraction is a patient able to receive this top-of-the-line solution? It depends on a few different factors; here’s what you need to keep in mind.


Why Do My Wisdom Teeth Hurt & How Can I Address the Pain?

September 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — eliteoralsurgery @ 10:25 pm
a dental patient chatting with their dentist

Sometimes, small things can cause very big problems – and this is often the case when it comes to wisdom teeth. Even though your teeth are an important part of your dental health, it’s very possible for them to cause painful issues that threaten your whole smile’s wellness. Continue reading to learn a little more about wisdom teeth, why they can cause pain, and how you can go about resolving the issue and getting your smile back on track.


How IV Sedation Is Used to Promote Comfortable, Life-Changing Dentistry

August 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — eliteoralsurgery @ 3:24 pm
a patient receiving dental care while sedated

If you suffer from dental-related anxiety, often referred to as dentophobia, did you know that sedation dentistry is one of the best possible means of addressing the issue and getting your smile the care it needs? And of all the options at your dentist’s disposal, few do the job as well as IV sedation. That said, this form of sedation isn’t for every case or patient; it’s going to depend on your circumstances, and different types of medicine can be used. Here’s a brief breakdown.


Is It Possible for Failed Dental Implants to Be Removed?

August 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — eliteoralsurgery @ 2:59 pm
a closeup of a dental implant model

Dental implants are often considered the gold standard of tooth replacement due to the long list of benefits they provide for one’s oral health. That said, things don’t always go as planned, and despite their 95% success rate, dental implants can still fail under certain circumstances. When this happens, action is necessary; however, what needs to be done often isn’t clear. Keep reading to learn more about dental implant failure and how your dentist can help to remove, salvage, or replace your restoration with ease.

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